Community Experience Week

2025 Dates

May 11 - 17

July 6 - 12

October 19 - 25

What is the


Lost Valley Education Center and Meadowsong Ecovillage is hosting a series of Community Experience Weeks this year. This is an incredible opportunity for people who are curious about living in an intentional community and want to learn more about what skills, values, and attributes are useful when engaging in any sort of community with others. Participants will receive 19 + hours of in-person instruction/guided activities from residents of our community as well as opportunities for connection and reflection on our beautiful 87 acre property.

Lost Valley Education Center employs 3 central guiding pillars for its on-going operation:

the ethics & principles of permaculture,


and nonviolent communication.

During the week we will explore these tools in the context of our community, as well as our sustainability efforts and goals as an ecovillage. Participants will also have the option to observe our meetings, and participate in our community meals, gatherings, and work parties. Accepted applicants will receive a full schedule in the weeks leading to their arrival.

Sunday, DAY 1: Arrivals/ORIENTATION

Participants will receive a tour of our land, and review rules and expectations for the week. We will also go over the schedule, and get to know each other and the community.


Lost Valley has been a permaculture education center since the early days of our founding. In many ways this is foundational to our identity and goals as a community. We will examine how the ethics and principles of permaculture not only relate to our land stewardship, but also how we relate to each other, and the more than human world.


The community governance of Lost Valley Education Center and Meadowsong Ecovillage is inspired by a system called Sociocracy. This model is especially useful for communities who also run a business/non-profit. It allows for a balance of group decision making with freedom and autonomy that create conditions for efficiency when that is necessary, but also values consent as an essential principle. We will also examine the different needs and challenges that arise within any community governance framework.


We use nonviolent communication as a conflict resolution framework as well as a shared language for reflection. Conflict is an integral part of any community experience. Learning about healthy conflict is an essential part of growing the skills necessary to thrive in a shared living environment with others.


As an ecovillage we strive to live more sustainably. We will look at the strategies we have used on this front as individuals, and as an organization. We will also discuss other existing practices and tools that could be applied in any home or community.

Friday, DAY 6: REVIEW/Connect

This will be a day to reflect on what we’ve learned, as well as generate ideas and action steps to grow communities now and into the future. We will help connect you with more resources and networks to get started on your journey.


There will not be anything scheduled for this day. However, participants can have the option to stay an additional night to audit our Weekend Permaculture Design Course in the Spring and Fall. See here for more info

Application Process

Sliding Scale Pricing Explained

As a 501(c)3 environmental non-profit education center we are deeply committed to the work that we do! For decades, our stewards, staff and teachers have worked well below market rate and volunteered countless hours of community service, including organizing and hosting our education courses, to further our vision and mission of bringing us all into deeper relationship with one another and the more-than-human world. We are honored to support those with limited financial resources in accessing the unique educational opportunities we offer here at Lost Valley. As the economy shifts and our expenses increase, we are hopeful that those who have the means will help move our non-profit to a place of greater economic abundance, so we can meet our most basic needs and continue to invest in the upkeep of critical infrastructure and accessible education for our greater community.

All pricing tiers include the same lodging, meals, and classes.

  • This tier is offered in recognition that our dominant economic system often neglects to provide a living wage to those of us who are most deeply invested in serving our communities. We the staff and stewards of Lost Valley want to acknowledge that we are all in this together. We will continue to provide accessible quality education offerings to all those who are truly dedicated to the path of mutual upliftment.

  • This tier provides a more equitable exchange of financial support for the hardworking stewards of our land and community and allows us to continue to bring in exceptional outside teachers, while still covering our most basic institutional costs of operation.

  • This tier helps support our staff and teachers and allows us to invest more into the regeneration of our land and education center, as well as to help cover the cost for more economically marginalized participants. We are deeply grateful for any additional financial support to help us further the mission and goals of our Education Center.

Dorm Building

We are now accepting Applications for all of our community experience weeks through the year. Start by filling out our APPLICATION FORM, or contact with any questions you might have. Once your application has been processed, we will schedule a video call to share further program details and answer and questions to ensure you and the community are a good mutual fit.  You are not fully enrolled until you’ve completed your interview, and have submitted payment.

If you need financial assistance, you may enquire about work trade opportunities.