Review all steps below before submitting application
Review all steps below before submitting application ---
eCOVILLAGE Residency & Membership Process
Step 1: Determine if living at Lost Valley is right for you.
Learn about our community and non-profit.
Read and consider our Community Living Agreements.
Check out our Rental Criteria and our Lodging Options to get more information about our rentals here at Lost Valley.
Read and consider our Residency Approval Process
Come for a short visit, by booking a tour. Virtual options are available if you live far away.
The majority of our new residents come from the Holistic Sustainability Semester or an Internship. This is a much more relaxed way to get to know the community and find ways to plug in here. People consistently find that starting out here gives them a much easier time of integrating with the community.
Go to our visitor portal to learn more about the residential application process. The first step is to schedule an initial interview, and to get to know our visitor coordinator who will guide you through the residency application process.
For resident applications, we are giving priority to those with skills including, but not limited to carpentry, organic farming, animal husbandry, permaculture design, kitchen management / large group cooking skills, early childhood ed, and event coordinating. Those who are interested in becoming staff here will receive extra consideration. Thank you for understanding!
STEP 2: Start your Application
Schedule an initial conversation with our Visitor Coordinator.
The Visitor Coordinator will ask some basic questions to see if you would be a good candidate to live in our community, and answer any questions you might have.
Once approved, the Visitor Coordinator will invite you to come for a trial stay and submit a rental application and core question response.
STEP 3: Submit a Rental Application and Core questions
The rental application will be reviewed by relevant staff only, and is meant to determine if you meet the requirements to be a rental tenant here.
The core questions will be reviewed by the community, and is meant to determine whether you are aligned with our values as a community.
If any issues arise at this stage we will ask you not to continue with the application process.
Step 4: Come for a 1 - 3 week trial stay
We request that folks come out to spend some time with us for a bit so we can get to know each other better.
Please let us know if there are any reasons you might not be able to come for a trial stay, we sometimes make exceptions under unique circumstances.
Step 5: Schedule your applicant interview
Your applicant interview will be with the community, and facilitated by our Residency Approval Process.
Outcomes for your interview will either be accept or deny for provisional residency.